Directory of Christian Social Concern

Disclaimer: This directory is compiled by Malaysian CARE as information only. Listing in our directory does not indicate association or endorsement by Malaysian CARE. We do not promote or recommend any particular therapy, treatment, professional system, service organization, or company.  

We need your help to keep the directory updated and accurate! While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information, relocation, re-organization, or closure can affect such listing. Please let us know if you notice any changes or mistakes. To update info or apply to be listed, please click on the button below.

Name of Organization 机构名称 Agape CARE Society 博爱关怀协会
Address 地址 609 Jalan Tengkera, Taman Seri Indah, Kg. Lapan, 75200 Melaka
Postal Address 邮寄地址 609 Jalan Tengkera, Taman Seri Indah, Kg. Lapan, 75200 Melaka
Phone 电话 06-334 1121
+60 19-667 1023 / +60 19-623 1023
Fax 传真 06-334 1121
Email 电邮
Website 网站
Type of Organization 机构之类型
Contact Person/s 联络人 Doreen Tan Mei Ai 陈美爱
Service Categories 服务种类 Others 其他, Senior Citizen 乐龄
Services Provided 提供的服务 ACE – AgapeCARE for the Elderly 博爱乐龄关怀 1. ACE Home 博爱乐龄中心 ACE Home is a residential and daycare centre for the elderly. 博爱老人中心是年长者的住所及白天照顾中心 2. ACE Clubs 博爱俱乐部 Weekly social gatherings to empower senior citizens to support each other through regular organized activities. 每周社交聚会活动,通过规律化的活动,加强老年人互相扶持的能力 3. ACE Rehab Aids 博爱康复援助 Common rehabilitative aids for loan to seniors with special needs. 普通康复贷款援助予特别需要的年长者 4. Financial Aid 财务援助 A temporary support system that operates on a case-by-case basis. 以各别方式,实施暂时性系统。 5. ACE Link 博爱联系 Cater to the needs of the home bound, or those living alone through home visits etc. 通过家访,关怀居家或独身居住者。 SPECIAL PROJECTS 特别项目 1. Crisis Assist 紧急援助 A fund set up to meet a family’s emergency needs through financial grants or loans. 成立基金,通过财务援助金或借款协助家庭应付紧急需求 2. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Project 社区关怀活动 Corporate partnership to provide jobs for supplementary income. 联合伙伴关系,提供工作以增加收入 3. Food Aid 食物援助 A means to assist families in time of crisis through basic necessities such as rice, oil, etc. 协助在紧急时期的家庭,给予基本的需求如米,油等等
Defined Age