Directory of Christian Social Concern

Disclaimer: This directory is compiled by Malaysian CARE as information only. Listing in our directory does not indicate association or endorsement by Malaysian CARE. We do not promote or recommend any particular therapy, treatment, professional system, service organization, or company.  

We need your help to keep the directory updated and accurate! While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information, relocation, re-organization, or closure can affect such listing. Please let us know if you notice any changes or mistakes. To update info or apply to be listed, please click on the button below.

Name of Organization 机构名称 Positive Living Community Welfare Organization Malaysia
Address 地址 No.67 Kampung Melayu Tambahan, Off Jalan Kilang Papan, Batu Arang,
Postal Address 邮寄地址 No.67 Kampung Melayu Tambahan, Off Jalan Kilang Papan, Batu Arang,
Phone 电话 019 2287750
Fax 传真
Email 电邮
Website 网站
Type of Organization 机构之类型 Professionals/Therapists, Rehabilitation Centres, Residential/Homes
Contact Person/s 联络人 Alex Arokiam (Founder & Director)
Service Categories 服务种类 HIV/AIDS 爱滋病毒/爱滋病患者, Prison & Drugs/Addictions 监狱及毒品/瘾
Services Provided 提供的服务 A. OASIS NURSING HOME: LOT 637, O.C. 8/2, SIMPAH UTARA, BATU ARANG (English/Tamil/B.Malaysia) An 18 bed facility managed by a full-time nurse and 5 care givers that provides residential nursing care to patients who are recovering from advance stages of AIDS. Most of them are referred by the hospital after they were discharged and found to be homeless. They include Myanmar refugees referred by the UNHCR. B. SHANTI DAN COMMUNITY HOME : LOT 10, JALAN BESAR, BATU ARANG (English/Tamil/B.Malaysia) Recovery program for addicts and income generation project. C. POSITIVE LIVING COMMUNITY HOME : LOT 1532, OFF JALAN KILANG PAPAN, BATU ARANG (English/Tamil/B.Malaysia) Providing shelter and other basic need for HIV patients and addicts.
Defined Age